
Time to Change: Make 2015 Your Year!

December 24, 2014

By: Anna Agoncillo

Image Credits: Marc Lagneau via Flickr
There comes a point in any journey when we realize that we are nearing the end. And simply knowing this is a tremendous boost. But, before anything else, I'd like to extend my gratitude to all who believed in me and supported me as I pour my heart out in everything that I've written thus far. 

Also, I want to share an inspiring story of a remarkable guy named Ryan. I know Ryan is not the guy that wants to be put in the pedestal. But, I believe in giving credit when someone really deserves it. And, believe me, he does. 

Image Credits: Ryan

Ryan lead a group of people called the "Tsinelas Team" to reach a selfless goal to give food, school supplies, and slippers to those who need it the most (to those who are miles away from city).

Image Credits: Ryan
Yes! Climbing up the mountains did not stop them. They had given hundreds of slippers, school supplies and other necessities to families and children of public school in the Philippines. Through it all, the project was successful because of their faith and because of the people who decided to give their blessings back to others without asking for anything in return.


I was lucky to be a part of this project too. Tsinelas Team put smiles to the faces of many on that day. Selflessness, love and the spirit of giving is what this season is all about! 

As we welcome 2015 and close all books of 2014, from this point on, each step we make becomes easier. ☺ There is a long way ahead, the worst is behind us and the future looks so much brighter! Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Banging 2015 Everyone!

Wanna be a part of the Tsinelas Team? Email Ryan at libunaoryan@yahoo.com. 

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