Stop Feeling Guilty for Taking a Well-Deserved Break

March 25, 2022

It's been a while since I've had the luxury of time to pour my thoughts out in an expressive post. You see, I needed to put a halt on blogging to focus on other important matters such as completing my graduate studies, professional website writing, and working full-time for an HR consulting firm.

"How many hours do you have in a day, Anna?"
a friend of mine quipped. She was so boggled by how many tasks were on my plate. Her query made me realize that slowing down is not in my nature.

Whether I am taking on a new hobby or studying new things to grow professionally and personally, I always keep myself occupied. In the rare days that I get to embody a couch potato, I relish the time I spend with my favorite shows on Netflix. I indulge in those days when I can fully relax and not think of anything else.

However, not everyone delights in the idea of slowing down. Some people feel guilty about taking well-deserved breaks.

Ask yourself:
"Am I prioritizing work or school over my health?"

Our society tends to put a greater importance on our careers and academic achievements than our physical health. Many of us do not stand and stretch our legs every half hour. We do not stretch our wrists before typing. Furthermore, we do not reduce our screen time, as recommended by health professionals. It is not just our physical health that is deteriorating!

When it comes to mental health, many people are trapped in the unrealistic pressures of social media. We also do not practice boundaries when taking work calls beyond our working hours. Our minds are juggling multiple things at once that our thoughts become clouded.

It is all in the name of productivity, they say. Do you realize how detrimental it is to work hard to the point of exhaustion without having to take breaks? 

A 2020 study by researchers from Staffordshire University highlighted this:

"We found that one of the best ways to make sure that you take breaks is to take them with your work colleagues, or to be encouraged to take them by your boss. If they are not physically near you, we may find it harder to act on these social prompts." 

Some employees feel guilty about taking their legally entitled breaks because of the lack of social prompts. With many employees now working from home, the researchers believe that it is harder to take breaks. The study showed how these employees placed a greater importance on completing their work than giving themselves a break. The sheer volume and pressure of work influences this pattern of behavior.

Despite the sheer volume of work, punishing yourself for being human with working bounds can sacrifice your physical and mental health. I am not saying that you should stop doing your best. But you must follow your dreams without having to end up in the hospital bed because of lack of self-care. You cannot be productive if you are always tired, frustrated, and stressed!

Apart from being more productive, here are other reasons why you should take a break with no guilt attached.


Studies have shown that vacations improve one's happiness. This sense of elation is even sustained after taking a break. Thus, it can affect other facets of your life such as work and school.


Stress takes a toll on your well-being and affects your decision making, concentration, and physical health. Taking a break can significantly diminish your stress. Take naps too! Power naps can enhance not only your cognitive function, but also reduce your risk of health diseases. 


Oh self-love! You often look out for others and forget about yourself. Machines take time to re-charge, and so do you. Do the activities you enjoy and try to get to know yourself a little more. 


As you are striking a balance between the pressures of school and work, you can take your loved ones for granted. By slowing down, you will be able to spend quality time with people who matter most to you. Why would you feel guilty about that?

Take a break! It is long overdue, anyway. 

Sources: 1, 2, & 3

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