ASK ANNA #1: Why is it Harder to Forgive Yourself?

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Image Credits: Vic via Flickr
John Doe asks...

"Do you agree it's harder to forgive yourself than it is for others to forgive you? I can never forgive myself, for some things I've done...even if the person I victimized forgave me."

Anna says…

It depends on your personality. If you are the type of person who is more internal, that is if you interpret the world by means of: how you react and how you feel or if you have an internal locus of control wherein you believe that YOU yourself control the situation then it is harder to forgive yourself.

Having an external locus of control on the other hand would blame the situation for his/her mistake. Hence, less responsibility and guilt is felt. 

In conclusion, it is easier for an external person to forgive himself because he can't control the situation, because he/she believes that everything he did was just by faith, by chance, or by will of the higher God. 

Stress Management: 9 Tips to Conquer your Inner Beast

By: Anna Agoncillo

The daily hustles and bustles in a face-paced city made me realize how stressful life can be. Stress, when not managed, can be detrimental to one’s health. So, here are some ways to conquer your inner beast, and live healthily:


(c) Sreehariayurveda
Whenever you feel like you're going to burst, calm yourself down. Breathe in and out, hold your breath for a while, breathe slowly and repeat. A higher form of this practice is called meditation. Personally, yoga and meditation help me regulate my emotions better.

Social Psychology and Victim Blaming: Why you gotta be so rude?

By: Anna Agoncillo and Genesis |

The news about rape in the Philippines has been rampant these past few months. More so, survey showed that the trend of victims each year has been increasing (PNP Women and Children Protection Center, 2013).
(C) GMA News Philippines, 2014
In 2012, approximately 346,830 women were raped, as a result, there were about 17, 342 unwanted pregnancies (U.S. Department of Justice, 2013). You can’t rule out men just yet, most of them suffer in silence too. In 2003, 1 in every 10 rape victims were male.

These numbers are from United States and Philippines alone. Imagine how many individuals were raped globally. Furthermore, these are from reported victims. How about those who kept it from others due to social misogyny and shame? Maybe the statistics thereafter will double or even triple. Indeed, it’s very alarming, horrifying and disappointing.

In this video, you’ll see how hard it is to be sexually assaulted especially in a place you call home and by someone whom you call mom or dad.

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